Wednesday, July 9, 2008
I've been tagged
What were you doing 10 years ago?
I was in graduate school down at Lehigh University. I had just completed my first year and was enjoying that last summer of freedom before grad school got really serious. More importantly, I was newly engaged. Tom asked me to marry him on May 8, 1998.
Five items on my to-do list:
1. Finish a pair of capri length longies for Anna Mary
2. Weed
3. Pick up the downstairs
4. Find some chocolate to get me through the rest of the day
5. Check out cabins for next year's vacation
Snacks I enjoy: I am not a big snack person, but the one food I cannot do without is very dark chocolate (85% cocoa or higher). I am also enjoying cherries alot this summer.
What would you do if you were a billionaire? Take care of any debt that we have, buy a modest house in town and a modest house in the woods. Make sure my family is taken care of and use the rest to help others.
Places I would live: For the last 10 years or so I have dreamt of living in New York City. I love the city and unfortunately these days am unable to make the trip in. I guess this question ties in with the previous one as we would have to be billionaires to live there comfortably with a growing family. The only other place I want to live is right where I am, NEPA.
Jobs I have had: Babysitter, Checker at Wegman's, O-ring assembler, Teaching assistant, Instructor in a training program at Lucent (I don't think Lucent exists anymore), Tutor, Mom
I am supposed to tag 5 other bloggers, but since I am fairly new to blogging, I don't know even one person to tag.
Some recent projects
Therese decorated this cake for a 4th of July party. It is her own interpretation of Old Glory. At first I tried hard to get her to make a perfect flag, but it was obvious she wasn't having much fun. I calmed down and just let her at it and this is what she came up with. Either way, the cake tasted great and Therese was proud of her creation!!
Next is a bag that I crocheted for Therese. I am still thinking about the kind of reusable grocery bags that I want. Although sewing is so much faster I think I will end up making crocheted ones out of all the acrylic yarn I have laying around. This is a first attempt. It is too small, so it is a bag for Therese.
These next pictures will be of no interest to most, but for those of us who have to live in this house, or for those of you who visit for periods of time these pictures are of great interest! First up is the downstairs bathroom, which was plagued with a unbelieveably slow filling tank (this is putting it mildly) and no toilet paper holder. Earlier this week I put in a new supply line and a new fill valve in the tank. Now it fills so fast! There was so much sediment in the line, so I am not surprised it filled so slowly. I am glad I took the extra step to replace the supply line as that probably made a huge difference. Today, I put in a toilet paper holder. I got to use my new drill for the first time!! I have actually never used a drill before, so I was a bit scared, but it wasn't scary at all. The holder is a little crooked, but it works, so that is what counts. Without further adieu, here are the pictures from the downstairs bathroom...
Next is a picture from the upstairs bathroom. The handle on this toilet always needed to be jiggled because it was broken. Well, I can't believe I didn't fix this took less than 5 minutes. Here is the new handle...
I have also made some more pillow case dresses, but I have not taken the time to photograph them. I hope you enjoyed all the pictures of toilets in this post :)
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Produce bags
Here are the ones I made for our family all together. Therese loves the bags!
Monday, June 23, 2008
Clothespin bag
I had been carrying my clothespins to and from the house in 2 half gallon ice cream containers. It was a pain as they always spilled out. I found this pattern for a clothespin bag and decided to give it a whirl. I got some denim fabric from JoAnn's (I should have cut up some old jeans, oh well) and sewed it up in probably about 20 minutes. It isn't perfect. I think this is because of the hanger I chose to use and because I don't have a printer and so had to fudge the template for the opening. But it works great. I used it tonight when I hung out the diapers. I love practical things. Even more, I love practical things that I make! Here is a picture of it
Ok, now I am going to share some mommy fluff. Therese decorated some graduation cards for a party that we went to this past weekend. She was simply told to draw some pictures on the cards. This is what she came up with.
This first card is for Sarah. Sarah recently fell off her horse and sustained a serious injury. We have been praying for her recovery for weeks. Therese said that this is a picture of "Sarah riding on her donkey very gently."
Thursday, June 19, 2008
A pair of shoes
And here they are on my cutey's feet!
Today I got 8 pillow cases. Penney's was having a clearance on bedding so I got them pretty cheaply. They are just solid colors, except 2 that are polka dotted. I am excited to get to work on them!
Now I can't help but share some fun pictures. Here is the cutest 1yo in the world hamming it up for the camera! Here is Anna Mary enjoying an oatmeal, mango, kale, and sweet potato facial. She was so dirty that I found sweet potato in her ear even after her bath!
And here is Therese enjoying her time out in the little pool.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Happy Birthday Anna Mary!!!
I also want to wish a happy Fathers' Day to all the dads. Last year on Fathers' Day we brought Anna Mary home from the hospital. Of course, that meant that instead of me waiting on Tom that day he was waiting on me, but he didn't mind. He got the best present a dad could get, a new baby.
Here are some pictures from her birthday party yesterday. She had a blast, even though in some of the pictures she doesn't look happy. I just didn't get the best is hard to get a very busy 1yo to hold a pose for long!
Here she is playing with her balloons before the big party.
She got right down to business opening her presents!
Here she is giving a kiss to the baby doll she got from big sister, Therese.
She loved her Little People school bus!
And finally, here she is during the singing of happy birthday. She doesn't look happy, but she was. Although, I think she wanted her daddy to put her down so she could get back to playing.
Well, I just had to come back here and put up some pictures of Anna Mary when she was born. I have been looking at the pictures and I miss that little baby. But I am so happy for the toddler she has become.
I can't believe how long her legs were and how big her feet were. It is amazing that she fit inside me!
Here she is flashing the peace sign.
Friday, June 13, 2008
It's official....I'm addicted!!!
Here is another dress made from a pillow case made by Aunt Minnie. I love the flower trim on this one. Therese is doing a little dance in this one.
Now this last dress is so special to me. This pillow case was made by my Grandma Elsie. I was so excited when I found this among my Grandma's linens.
Monday, June 9, 2008
More pillow case dresses
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Pillow Case Dresses
I made a pillow case dress for each girl yesterday. It went much faster than I thought it would, especially the second one. I used this tutorial. The pillow cases came with a set of sheets that I bought at Target. I added some pink rick rack along the bottom hemline. Now that I see how easy they are I hope to score some cute pillow cases at yard sales this summer. I have a beautiful white pillow case that my grandma embellished with embroidery that I can't wait to use. I will be making more for each of the girls. I love them because they are so cool and airy. I think that around the house they will be all that the girls will wear this summer. Therese loves dancing in hers! And I love having Anna Mary in something that will keep her very cool since her eczema seems to be exasperated by heat. We actually went out and bought 2 ACs yesterday as we are expecting 90 degree heat this weekend. Here are the pics...enjoy!
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Ladybug "capris"
Here is an up close shot of the ladybug. I just winged it, which is rare for me. I usually need a pattern, but a ladybug isn't that hard.
And here is an up close shot of one of the flowers.
And here is a picture on our model. Notice I managed to get my toe in the shot!
I have started my next project which is a pair of capris (I will make them capris this time) made with Peace Fleece Baltic blue with their Lena's meadow for the trim. After that I plan to make another pair of capris (or maybe shorties) using Peace Fleece Latvian lavendar and Lena's meadow again for the trim. I also have to make Anna Mary's ladybug shoes, but I still need to get the suede to go on the bottom. That project will have to wait as my next sewing machine project has to be hemming some pants for Tom.
Anna Mary has started to prefer walking to crawling. She has been walking a little since right before she turned 9 months. Now at just 10 months she is walking everywere. If she doesn't have a toy in her hands she waves her hands while she walks. It is very cute! Here is an action shot, although it doesn't really doesn't illustrate her walking well.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Glorious weekend!!!
On Saturday, Therese participated in her first Easter egg hunt. It was held at our church. I took her there, Tom and Anna Mary stayed at home. Before we left Tom gave Therese a pep talk telling her to not talk to the other kids, but to stay focused and get as many eggs as possible without pushing or hurting the other children. Therese did her daddy proud. She took off so fast I had a hard time catching up! She was all over the place and made out really well. Here she is before the hunt,
during the hunt,
and after the hunt.
Sunday was just a sunny and beautiful as Saturday. After church we went out for lunch and then to the park. Anna Mary got to ride on a swing for the first time. She really enjoyed it. In the pictures her crinkled brow are because she is screaming with joy!
Anna Mary also had a good time seeing how many wood chips she could get in her hand and playing in the sand.
And here are just some other random cute pictures of the girls from the weekend. Here is Therese reading a book while hugging her baby Rosey. Poor Rosey, we have lost her clothes again!
And in this picture, Tom put Anna Mary on the stool. I just think she looks so cute!