I also want to wish a happy Fathers' Day to all the dads. Last year on Fathers' Day we brought Anna Mary home from the hospital. Of course, that meant that instead of me waiting on Tom that day he was waiting on me, but he didn't mind. He got the best present a dad could get, a new baby.
Here are some pictures from her birthday party yesterday. She had a blast, even though in some of the pictures she doesn't look happy. I just didn't get the best shots...it is hard to get a very busy 1yo to hold a pose for long!
Here she is playing with her balloons before the big party.
She got right down to business opening her presents!
Here she is giving a kiss to the baby doll she got from big sister, Therese.
She loved her Little People school bus!
And finally, here she is during the singing of happy birthday. She doesn't look happy, but she was. Although, I think she wanted her daddy to put her down so she could get back to playing.
Well, I just had to come back here and put up some pictures of Anna Mary when she was born. I have been looking at the pictures and I miss that little baby. But I am so happy for the toddler she has become.
I can't believe how long her legs were and how big her feet were. It is amazing that she fit inside me!
Here she is flashing the peace sign.
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